Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Dear blogosphere,

Those of you that have read, commented, and emailed: thank you so much!  I started blogging because I thought there were a few folks out there that wanted to hear about industry, leaving industry, finding an academic job, (hopefully moving into the academic position), and random other musings.  Writing is cathartic to me, and interacting through comments and emails are super-cathartic.  I honestly didn't think that I would have any readers, and I wasn't sure how long I would want to do this for.  I really love writing and interacting with random people.  The email interactions are fun.  I wish I could post these in my blog since these would mix well with the awesome comments I get.

As I strike the keyboard close to the midnight strike for Christmas day at my parents' house all I want for Christmas is the health and happiness for everyone I know (and, of course, everyone I don't...unless you're a which case, screw you!).  My spouse says the only thing I probably want is a faculty job.  If it doesn't work out this year, then I'll keep trying, no need wasting Christmas wishes on something so selfish.  And I'm having so much fun writing about everything that, regardless of what happens this cycle, I'll at least keep on typing away.

Here's to hoping that you all get everything you want and need!  Merry Christmas to you all!


PS-I know some of you don't celebrate Christmas.  In which case, I advise you spend the day watching this entire YouTube playlist since all the stores are closed:

PPS @ 8am - Being the only early riser in my entire extended family is weird. I went to bed later than everyone and I'm sitting by the Christmas tree drinking coffee and glad I'm on vacation. Maybe I should open everyone's gifts...


  1. You should have made Santa vs Moses the first video that popped up!
